6 Things You Should Do In Your OET letter!
There are 6 things that you should be doing in your OET letter. Do you know what they are, and are you doing them? In this lesson, we'll...
6 Things You Should Do In Your OET letter!
10-Minute OET: Ringworm
10-Minute OET: Plantar Fasciitis
Ear Training for the OET: Endometriosis
How can you start an OET Speaking role-play when the card indicates you've just examined a patient?
Offering a possible diagnosis
Can Chat GPT Correct & Mark OET Letters?
Can Chat GPT help you with your OET studies?
Think like an examiner! | What can I read to improve my OET Reading Part A skills?
What should I read to improve my OET reading skills?
OET Positive Thinking and Practical Tips for 2023
Keeping your English Up-to-Date
OET Speaking Tip 3
OET Speaking Tip 2
OET Speaking Tips: Here is our handy guide to help you get a better score in your OET
OET Overview